My Favourite Chapli Kabab Restaurants in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Let’s start with the city where Chapli Kabab originated, Peshawar! My Hometown, also known as the city of flowers, and is literally a heaven for food lovers. You can find some of the best Chapli Kabab restaurants in Peshawar as they are known to be the creators of this renowned juicy meat dish.

The name Chapli Kabab is said to be derived from the Pashto word chaprikh/chapdikh/chapleet, meaning “flat” – alluding to the kebab’s light, round and flattened texture. However, people living in other areas of Pakistan pronounce it in Urdu language as Chapal Kabab.1

The Master or base recipe contains ground beef or buffalo meat fried in vegetable cooking oil or animal fat or a mix of them. The final recipe varies from restaurant to restaurant, playing with the amount of tomatoes, onions, ginger, garlic, chillies, cumin seeds, coriander leaves, garam masala, and chilli powder.

The King of all meat patties: Chapli Kabab

Chapli Kabab is one of my favourite dishes and they must be made how I want them. So how do I choose which ones are the best restaurants and why are they my favourite? It depends on how the Chapli Kababs are made and how they taste. As it differs from person to person, for me? I love them juicy having fewer spices and not overcooked (when the outer texture is almost burned-blacked).

My Favourite & Best Chapli Kabab Restaurants of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

  1. Rambail Chapli Kabab House
  2. Qasim Chapli Kabab, Rashakai
  3. Jalil Kabab House

Rambail Chapli Kabab House
